Source code for pythia.likelihood

""" Provide Gaussian likelihoods for PC surrogates. """
import numpy as np
import warnings

[docs]class Gaussian(object): """ Gaussian likelihood function for differentiable forward problem. Assemble the Gaussian likelihood .. math:: \\mathcal{L}(x) = \\frac{1}{(2\\pi)^{M/2}\\sqrt{\\det \\Sigma}} \\exp\\Bigl( -\\frac{1}{2} \\Vert \\Sigma^{-1/2}(f(x)-\\delta) \\Vert \\Bigr) for covariance matrix :math:`\\Sigma = \\operatorname{diag}(\\sigma_1(y_1),\\dots,\\sigma_M(y_M))` and measurement/observation :math:`\\delta`. Parameters ---------- f : function Forward model. sigma : function Error model for standard deviation describing :math:`\\Sigma`. xdim : int Number of stochastic parameters. """ def __init__(self, f, sigma, xdim): """ Initialize Gaussian likelihood object. """ self._f = f self._std = sigma self._xdim = xdim
[docs] def likelihood(self, x, y_meas): """ Evaluate the Gaussian likelihood with specified measurement. Parameters ---------- x : array_like Realizations of stochastic parameters. y_meas : array_like Measurement :math:`\delta`. """ # check dimensionality and reshape if necessary. y, f_val, std, mdim, fdim = self._reshape(x, y_meas) a = (2*np.pi)**(-mdim*fdim/2) # float b = 1/, axis=(0, 2))**mdim # shape: (#points,) c =**2/(2*std**2)), axis=(0, 2)) # (#points,) return a*b*c
[docs] def log_likelihood(self, x, y_meas): """ Evaluate the Gaussian log-likelihood with specified measurement. Parameters ---------- x : array_like Realizations of stochastic parameters. y_meas : array_like Measurement :math:`\delta`. """ # check dimensionality and reshape if necessary. y, f_val, std, mdim, fdim = self._reshape(x, y_meas) a = -mdim*fdim/2 * np.log(2*np.pi) # float b = -mdim * np.sum(np.log(std), axis=(0, 2)) # (#points,) c = np.sum(-(f_val-y)**2/(2*std**2), axis=(0, 2)) # (#points,) return a+b+c
def _reshape(self, x, y_meas): """ Check shape compatibility of input and reshape if necessary. Parameters ---------- x : array_like Realizations of stochastic parameters. y_meas : array_like Measurement :math:`\delta`. """ x_val = np.array(x) y_val = np.array(y_meas) # x shape: (#points, xdim) if x_val.ndim < 2: x_val.shape = 1, -1 assert x_val.shape[1] == self._xdim # y_meas shape: (mdim, fdim) if y_val.ndim < 2: y_val.shape = 1, -1 assert x_val.ndim == 2 and y_val.ndim == 2 # get number of measurements and image dim of f mdim, fdim = y_val.shape f_val = self._f(x_val) # f_val shape: (#points, fdim) if f_val.ndim < 2: f_val.shape = 1, -1 assert f_val.shape[1] == fdim std = self._std(x_val) # std shape: (#points, fdim) if std.ndim < 2: std.shape = 1, -1 if std.shape[1] == 1: std = std*np.ones(fdim) assert std.shape[1] == fdim assert np.min(std) >= 0 # Reshape for fast multiplication y = np.expand_dims(y_meas, axis=1) # (mdim, 1, fdim) std = np.expand_dims(self._std(x_val), axis=0) # (1, #points, fdim) f_val = np.expand_dims(f_val, axis=0) # (1, #points, fdim) return y, f_val, std, mdim, fdim
[docs]def gauss_likelihood(p, y, error_model): """ Compute a gaussian likelihood function. .. deprecated:: 2.0.0 `gauss_likelihood` will be removed in PyThia 3.0.0, it is replaced by the `Gaussian` class as the latter is clearer and more comfortable to use. Parameters ---------- p : array_like Parameter realizations. y : array_like Measurement data :math:`\\delta`. error_model : function Function that maps `p` to two arrays containing the evaluation of the forward model `f(p)` and the standard deviation `\\sigma(p)`. """ warnings.warn("Depreciated legacy code. Use Gaussian() instead.") if p.ndim < 2: p.shape = 1, -1 if y.ndim < 2: y.shape = 1, -1 assert p.ndim == 2 and y.ndim == 2 f, std = error_model(p) # shape is p.shape[0], y.shape[1] for each # Reshape for fast multiplication y = np.expand_dims(y, axis=1) std = np.expand_dims(std, axis=0) f = np.expand_dims(f, axis=0) val = np.exp(-(f-y)**2/(2*std**2)) / np.sqrt(2*np.pi) / std return, axis=(0, 2))