Source code for pythia.index

File: pythia/
Author: Nando Hegemann
Description: Create, manipulate and store information about multiindices.
SPDX-License-Identifier: LGPL-3.0-or-later OR Hippocratic-3.0-ECO-MEDIA-MIL
import itertools
import numpy as np
import pythia as pt

[docs]class IndexSet: """Generate index set object for sparse PC expansion. A general polynomial chaos expansion of a function :math:`f\\colon\\Gamma\\subset\\mathbb{R}^M\\to\\mathbb{R}^J` with :math:`y\\sim\\pi` is given by .. math:: f(y) = \\sum_{\\mu\\in\\mathbb{N}_0^M} \\mathbf{f}[\\mu]P_{\\mu}(y) \\quad\\mbox{for}\\quad \\mathbf{f}[\\mu] = \\int_\\Gamma f(y)P_\\mu(y)\\ \\mathrm{d}y, where :math:`\\mu` is a multiindex, :math:`\\mathbf{f}[\\mu]\\in\\mathbb{R}^J` is a coefficient vector and :math:`\\{P_\\mu\\}_{\\mu\\in\\mathbb{N}_0^M}` is an orthonormal basis in :math:`L^2(\\Gamma,\\pi)`. To approximate the infinite expansion choose an index set :math:`\\Lambda\\subset\\mathbb{N}_0^M` of multiindices and consider .. math:: f(y) \\approx \\sum_{\\mu\\in\\Lambda} \\mathbf{f}[\\mu]P_{\\mu}(y), Parameters ---------- indices : np.ndarray Array of multiindices with shape (#indices, param dim). Examples -------- Create the sparse index set .. math:: \\Lambda = \\{ (0,0), (1,0), (2,0), (0,1) \\} \\subset \\mathbb{N}_0^2 >>> import pythia as pt >>> indices = np.array([[0, 0], [1, 0], [2, 0], [0, 1]], dtype=int) >>> index_set = pt.index.IndexSet(indices) """ def __init__(self, indices: np.ndarray) -> None: """Initialize sparse multiindex object.""" assert indices.ndim == 2 and indices.shape[0] > 0 assert indices.dtype == int assert np.all(indices >= 0) self.indices = sort_index_array(indices) self.shape = self.indices.shape self.max = np.array(np.max(self.indices, axis=0), dtype=int) self.min = np.array(np.min(self.indices, axis=0), dtype=int) self.sobol_tuples = self._get_sobol_tuple_list() def _get_sobol_tuple_list(self) -> list: """Generate list of all possible Sobol index id tuples (subscripts). Returns ------- : List of Sobol tuples. """ sobol_tuples = [] for r in range(1, self.shape[1] + 1): sobol_tuples += list(itertools.combinations(range(1, self.shape[1] + 1), r)) return sobol_tuples
[docs] def get_index_number(self, indices: np.ndarray) -> np.ndarray: """Get enumeration number of indices. Get the row indices of the given multiindices such that `self.indices[rows] = indices`. Parameters ---------- indices : np.ndarray Indices to get the number of. Returns ------- : Array containing the enumeration numbers of the indices. """ return np.array( [np.where((self.indices == index).all(axis=1))[0] for index in indices], dtype=int, ).flatten()
[docs] def get_sobol_tuple_number(self, sobol_tuples: list[tuple]) -> np.ndarray: """Get enumeration indices of Sobol tuples. Parameters ---------- sobol_tuples : list of tuple List of Sobol tuples. Returns ------- : Array containing the enumeration number of the Sobol tuples. """ return np.array([self.sobol_tuples.index(s) for s in sobol_tuples], dtype=int)
[docs] def index_to_sobol_tuple(self, indices: np.ndarray) -> list[tuple]: """Map array of indices to their respective Sobol tuples. Parameters ---------- indices : np.ndarray Array of multiindices. Returns ------- : List of Sobol tuples. """ sobol_tuples = [tuple(np.flatnonzero(index) + 1) for index in indices] return sobol_tuples
[docs] def sobol_tuple_to_indices( self, sobol_tuples: tuple | list[tuple] ) -> list[np.ndarray]: """Map Sobol tuples to their respective indices. Parameters ---------- sobol_tuples : tuple or list of tuple List of Sobol tuples. Returns ------- : List of index arrays for each given Sobol tuple. """ if isinstance(sobol_tuples, tuple): sobol_tuples = [sobol_tuples] assert isinstance(sobol_tuples, list) ret = [] lookup_dict = {sobol_tuple: [] for sobol_tuple in self.sobol_tuples} index_sobol_tuple_list = self.index_to_sobol_tuple(self.indices) for sobol_tuple, index in zip(index_sobol_tuple_list, self.indices): if len(sobol_tuple) > 0: lookup_dict[sobol_tuple] += [index] for sobol_tuple in sobol_tuples: ret += [np.array(lookup_dict[sobol_tuple], dtype=int)] return ret
[docs]def sort_index_array(indices: np.ndarray) -> np.ndarray: """Sort multiindices and remove duplicates. Sort rows of `indices` by sum of multiindex and remove duplicate multiindices. Parameters ---------- indices : np.ndarray Index list before sorting. Returns ------- : Sorted index array. """ sorted_indices = np.unique(indices, axis=0) if sorted_indices.size == 0: return sorted_indices idx = np.argsort(np.sum(sorted_indices, axis=1)) sorted_indices = sorted_indices[idx] return np.array(sorted_indices, dtype=int)
[docs]def union(index_list: list[np.ndarray]) -> np.ndarray: """Build union of multiindex sets. Given sparse index sets :math:`\\Lambda_1, \\dots, \\Lambda_N`, compute :math:`\\Lambda=\\Lambda_1\\cup\\dots\\cup\\Lambda_N`. Parameters ---------- index_list : list of np.ndarray List of multiindex arrays. Returns ------- : Array with all multiindices. """ all_indices = np.concatenate(index_list, axis=0) return sort_index_array(all_indices)
[docs]def intersection(index_list: list[np.ndarray]) -> np.ndarray: """Intersect list of multiindex sets. Given sparse index sets :math:`\\Lambda_1, \\dots, \\Lambda_N`, compute :math:`\\Lambda=\\Lambda_1\\cap\\dots\\cap\\Lambda_N`. Parameters ---------- index_list : list[np.ndarray] List of index sets. Returns ------- : Intersection of index sets. """ assert np.all(s.shape[1] == index_list[0].shape[1] for s in index_list) ret = index_list[0] for indices in index_list[1:]: ret = np.array( [x for x in set(tuple(x) for x in ret) & set(tuple(x) for x in indices)] ) return sort_index_array(np.array(ret))
[docs]def set_difference(indices: np.ndarray, subtract: np.ndarray) -> np.ndarray: """Set difference of two index arrays. Given two sparse index sets :math:`\\Lambda_1` and :math:`\\Lambda_2`, compute :math:`\\Lambda=\\Lambda_1\\setminus\\Lambda_2`. Parameters ---------- indices : np.ndarray Index array multiindices are taken out of. subtract : np.ndarray Indices that are taken out of the original set. Returns ------- : Set difference of both index arrays. """ indices = sort_index_array(indices) subtract = sort_index_array(subtract) assert indices.shape[1] == subtract.shape[1] idxs = [] for mdx in subtract: idx = np.where((indices == mdx).all(axis=1))[0] assert idx.size < 2 if idx.size == 1: idxs += [idx] return np.delete(indices, np.array(idxs, dtype=int).flatten(), axis=0)
[docs]def tensor_set( shape: list[int] | tuple[int] | np.ndarray, lower: list[int] | tuple[int] | np.ndarray | None = None, ) -> np.ndarray: """Create a tensor index set. For given upper and lower bounds :math:`0 \\leq \\ell_m < u_m \\in \\mathbb{N}_0` with :math:`m=1,\\dots,M\\in\\mathbb{N}`, the tensor index set (n-D cube) is given by .. math:: \\Lambda = \\{ \\mu\\in\\mathbb{N}_0^M \\ \\vert\\ \\ell_m \\leq \\mu_m \\leq u_m \\mbox{ for } m=1,\\dots,M\\}. Parameters ---------- shape : array_like Shape of the tensor, enumeration starting from 0. lower : array_like, default = None Starting values for each dimension of the tensor set. If None, all dimensions start with 0. Returns ------- : Array with all possible multiindices in tensor set. See Also -------- pythia.misc.cart_prod, pythia.index.lq_bound_set, pythia.index.simplex_set Examples -------- Create the tensor product multiindices :math:`\\{0, 1\\}\\times\\{0, 1\\}` >>> pt.index.tensor_set([2, 2]) array([[0, 0], [0, 1], [1, 0], [1, 1]]) Create 3D univariate multiindices :math:`\\{0\\}\\times\\{1,\\dots, 4\\}\\times\\{0\\}` >>> pt.index.tensor_set([1, 5, 1], [0, 1, 0]) array([[0, 1, 0], [0, 2, 0], [0, 3, 0], [0, 4, 0]]) Create 1D indices similar to ``np.arange(1, 5, dtype=int).reshape(-1, 1)`` >>> pt.index.tensor_set([5], [1]) array([[1], [2], [3], [4]]) """ shape = np.array(shape, dtype=int) if lower is None: lower = np.zeros(shape.size, dtype=int) elif isinstance(lower, (list, tuple)): lower = np.array(lower, dtype=int) assert shape.size == lower.size univariate_dims = [np.arange(low, up, dtype=int) for low, up in zip(lower, shape)] if shape.size > 1: ret = pt.misc.cart_prod(univariate_dims) else: ret = np.array(univariate_dims).T return sort_index_array(ret)
[docs]def lq_bound_set( dimensions: list[int] | tuple[int] | np.ndarray, bound: float, q: float = 1 ) -> np.ndarray: """Create set of multiindices with bounded :math:`\\ell^q`-norm. For given dimensions :math:`d \\in \\mathbb{N}^M`, bound :math:`b \\in \\mathbb{R}_{>0}` and norm factor :math:`q \\in \\mathbb{R}_{>0}`, the :math:`\\ell^q`-norm index set is given by .. math:: \\Lambda = \\{ \\mu\\in [d_1]\\times\\dots\\times [d_M] \\ \\vert\\ \\Vert \\mu \\Vert_{\\ell^q} \\leq b\\}, where :math:`[d_m]=\\{0, \\dots, d_m-1\\}` and .. math:: \\Vert \\mu \\Vert_{\\ell^q} = \\Bigl(\\sum_{m=1}^M \\mu_m^q\\Bigr)^{\\frac{1}{q}}. Parameters ---------- dimensions : list[int] | tuple[int] | np.ndarray Dimensions for each component, i.e., indices from ``0`` to ``dimension-1``. bound : float Bound for the :math:`\\ell^q`-norm. q : float, optional Norm factor. Returns ------- : Array with all possible multiindices with bounded :math:`\\ell^q`-norm. See Also -------- pythia.index.tensor_set, pythia.index.simplex_set Examples -------- >>> pt.index.lq_bound_set([5, 5], 4, 0.5) array([[0, 0], [0, 1], [1, 0], [0, 2], [1, 1], [2, 0], [0, 3], [3, 0], [0, 4], [4, 0]]) """ assert np.all([d > 0 for d in dimensions]) and bound > 0 and q > 0 all_indices = tensor_set(dimensions) rows = np.where(np.power(np.sum(all_indices**q, axis=1), 1 / q) <= bound)[0] return sort_index_array(all_indices[rows])
[docs]def simplex_set(dimension: int, maximum: int) -> np.ndarray: """Create a simplex index set. For given dimension :math:`M\\in\\mathbb{N}` and maximum :math:`d\\in\\mathbb{N}` the simplex index set is given by .. math:: \\Lambda = \\{ \\mu\\in\\mathbb{N}_0^M \\ \\vert\\ \\sum_{m=1}^M \\mu_m \\leq d\\}. Notes ----- Limiting the absolute value of the multiindices creates a simplex in :math:`\\mathbb{N}_0^M`, which motivates the name of the function. As an example, in two dimensions this gives us points inside a triangle limited by the axes and the line :math:`x_1 + x_2 = d`. Parameters ---------- dimension : int Dimension of the multiindices. maximum : int Maximal sum value for the multiindices. Returns ------- : Array with all possible multiindices in simplex set. See Also -------- pythia.index.lq_bound_set, pythia.index.tensor_set Examples -------- >>> pt.index.simplex(2, 2) array([[0, 0], [0, 1], [1, 0], [0, 2], [1, 1], [2, 0]]) """ assert dimension > 0 and maximum > 0 return lq_bound_set([maximum + 1] * dimension, maximum, 1)