Tutorial 03 - Computation of Sobol Indices
This tutorial covers the approximation of the Sobol indices of a target function, which are used to infer information about the global parameter sensitivity of the model. To verify the results we compute with PyThia, we use the Sobol function as the object of interest, as the Sobol indices are explicitly known for this function. The Sobol function is given by
The larger \(a_j\), the less is the influence, i.e. the sensitivity, of parameter \(x_j\).
The mean of the Sobol function is \(\mathbb{E}[f]=1\) and the variance reads
With this, we can easily compute the Sobol indices by
An implementation of the Sobol function method sobol_function()
and the analytical Sobol indices method sobol_sc()
is included in the complete script at the end of this tutorial.
First, we choose some values for the coefficients \(a_1,\dots,a_M\) and with this the target function.
import numpy as np
import pythia as pt
a = np.array([1, 2, 3])
def target_function(x: np.ndarray) -> np.ndarray:
return sobol_function(x, a=a)
Additionally, we compute the analytical Sobol indices.
sobol_dict = sobol_sc(a=a, dim=len(a))[0]
sobol_coefficients = np.array(list(sobol_dict.values())).reshape(-1, 1)
Next we define the necessary quantities for the PC expansion. For more information see Tutorial 01 - Approximation of Functions with Polynomial Chaos. As stochastic parameters we need to choose uniformly distributed variables \(x_j\) on \([0,1]\) according to the number of coefficients \(a_1,\dots,a_M\), i.e.,
params = [
pt.parameter.Parameter(name=f"x_{j+1}", domain=(0, 1), distribution="uniform")
for j in range(a.size)
As expansion terms we choose multivariate Legendre polynomials of total polynomial degree less then \(11\)
max_dim = 11
# limit total polynomial degree of expansion terms to 10
indices = pt.index.simplex_set(len(params), max_dim - 1)
index_set = pt.index.IndexSet(indices)
The last thing we need are training data. We generate the training pairs again by an optimal weighted distribution, see Tutorial 02 - Approximation of n-D functions with Polynomial Chaos for more detail.
N = 10_000
s = pt.least_squares_sampler.OWLSTensorSampler(params, [max_dim - 1] * len(params))
x_train = s.sample(N)
w_train = s.weight(x_train)
y_train = target_function(x_train)
With this, we compute the PC expansion of the target_function
with PyThia
surrogate = pt.chaos.PolynomialChaos(params, index_set, x_train, w_train, y_train)
As the approximative Sobol indices can be easily derived from the PC expansion coefficients, the PolynomialChaos
class computes them automatically upon initialization.
They can be accessed via surrogate.sobol
, which is an array ordered according to index_set.sobol_tuples
Hence it is easy to verify, if the approximation of the Sobol indices was done correctly.
print("Comparison of Sobol indices")
print(f" {'sobol_tuple':<12} {'exact':<8} {'approx':<8} {'abs error':<9}")
print("-" * 44)
for j, sdx in enumerate(sobol_dict.keys()):
f" {str(sdx):<11} ", # Sobol index subscripts
f"{sobol_coefficients[j, 0]:<4.2e} ",
f"{surrogate.sobol[j, 0]:<4.2e} ",
f"{np.abs(sobol_coefficients[j, 0] - surrogate.sobol[j, 0]):<4.2e}",
This concludes this tutorial.
Complete Script
The complete source code listed below is located in the tutorials/
subdirectory of the repository root.
1"""Tutorial 03 - Computation of Sobol Indices."""
3from typing import Any
5import numpy as np
6import pythia as pt
9def sobol_function(
10 x: np.ndarray, a: np.ndarray | None = None, **kwargs: Any
11) -> np.ndarray:
12 """Sobol function.
14 Parameters
15 ----------
16 x : np.ndarray
17 Input values.
18 a : np.ndarray | None, optional
19 Coefficients, by default None
21 Returns
22 -------
23 :
24 Sobol function values.
26 Raises
27 ------
28 ValueError
29 Wrong dimension for input `x`.
30 ValueError
31 Wrong shape of Coefficients `a`.
32 """
33 if not 0 < x.ndim < 3:
34 raise ValueError("Wrong ndim: {}".format(x.ndim))
35 if x.ndim == 1:
36 x.shape = 1, -1
37 if a is None:
38 a = np.zeros(x.shape[1])
39 elif not a.shape == (x.shape[1],):
40 raise ValueError("Wrong shape: {}".format(a.shape))
41 return np.prod((abs(4.0 * x - 2.0) + a) / (1.0 + a), axis=1).reshape(-1, 1)
44def sobol_sc(a: np.ndarray, dim: int = 1, **kwargs: Any) -> dict | np.ndarray:
45 """Sobol function Sobol indices.
47 Parameters
48 ----------
49 a : np.ndarray
50 Coefficients.
51 dim : int, optional
52 Parameter dimension, by default 1.
54 Returns
55 -------
56 :
57 Sobol indices of Sobol function.
58 """
59 sobol = {}
60 beta = (1.0 + a) ** (-2) / 3
61 var = np.prod(1.0 + beta) - 1.0
62 sobol_tuples = pt.index.IndexSet(pt.index.tensor_set([1, 1, 1])).sobol_tuples
63 for sdx in sobol_tuples:
64 sobol[sdx] = 1.0 / var
65 for k in sdx:
66 sobol[sdx] *= beta[k - 1]
67 if dim > 1:
68 return np.array([sobol for _ in range(dim)])
69 else:
70 return sobol
73print("Tutorial 03 - 2D approximation with PC")
75# target function definition
76a = np.array([1, 2, 3])
79def target_function(x: np.ndarray) -> np.ndarray:
80 """Target function.
82 Parameters
83 ----------
84 x : np.ndarray
85 """
86 return sobol_function(x, a=a)
89# analytical sobol coefficients
90sobol_dict = sobol_sc(a=a, dim=len(a))[0]
91sobol_coefficients = np.array(list(sobol_dict.values())).reshape(-1, 1)
93# setup pc surrogate
94params = [
95 pt.parameter.Parameter(name=f"x_{j+1}", domain=(0, 1), distribution="uniform")
96 for j in range(a.size)
99max_dim = 11
100# limit total polynomial degree of expansion terms to 10
101indices = pt.index.simplex_set(len(params), max_dim - 1)
102index_set = pt.index.IndexSet(indices)
103print("multiindex information:")
104print(f" number of indices: {index_set.shape[0]}")
105print(f" dimension: {index_set.shape[1]}")
106print(f" number of sobol indices: {len(index_set.sobol_tuples)}")
108N = 10_000
109print(f"generate training data ({N})")
110s = pt.least_squares_sampler.OWLSTensorSampler(params, [max_dim - 1] * len(params))
111x_train = s.sample(N)
112w_train = s.weight(x_train)
113y_train = target_function(x_train)
115print("compute pc expansion")
116surrogate = pt.chaos.PolynomialChaos(params, index_set, x_train, w_train, y_train)
118# test PC approximation
119N = 1000
120print(f"generate test data ({N})")
121s_test = pt.sampler.ParameterSampler(params)
122x_test = s_test.sample(N)
123y_test = target_function(x_test)
124y_approx = surrogate.eval(x_test)
126error_L2 = np.sqrt(np.sum((y_test - y_approx) ** 2) / N)
127error_L2_rel = error_L2 / np.sqrt(np.sum((y_test) ** 2) / N)
128error_max = np.max(np.abs(y_test - y_approx))
129error_max_rel = np.max(np.abs(y_test - y_approx) / np.abs(y_test))
131print(f"test error L2 (abs/rel): {error_L2:4.2e} / {error_L2_rel:4.2e}")
132print(f"test error max (abs/rel): {error_max:4.2e} / {error_max_rel:4.2e}")
134# compare Sobol indices
135print("Comparison of Sobol indices")
136print(f" {'sobol_tuple':<12} {'exact':<8} {'approx':<8} {'abs error':<9}")
137print("-" * 44)
138for j, sdx in enumerate(sobol_dict.keys()):
139 print(
140 f" {str(sdx):<11} ", # Sobol index subscripts
141 f"{sobol_coefficients[j, 0]:<4.2e} ",
142 f"{surrogate.sobol[j, 0]:<4.2e} ",
143 f"{np.abs(sobol_coefficients[j, 0] - surrogate.sobol[j, 0]):<4.2e}",
144 )